2024.04.09 21:17Nation

グアムで初の機雷掃海訓練 中国けん制か、日米共同―海自


2024.04.09 21:17Nation

Japan to Hold 1st Minesweeping Drill with U.S. around Guam

Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force said Tuesday that it will conduct a joint minesweeping exercise with the U.S. Navy in the U.S. territory of Guam and surrounding waters for the first time.
   The exercise, set to run for 12 days from Monday, is aimed at strengthening the deterrence power of Japan and the United States.
   The two allies usually conduct their minesweeping drills in Japanese waters.
   Guam is a strategic base for U.S. naval vessels. Mines placed in nearby waters would make it difficult for the U.S. military to deploy aircraft carriers and nuclear-powered submarines, both key to deterrence.
   Through the exercise, Tokyo and Washington apparently hope to show off their minesweeping capabilities to China, bearing in mind the possibility of a Taiwan contingency.


