2023.12.26 14:57Nation

農地法人への出資制限緩和 企業・地銀参画で基盤強化―農水省


2023.12.26 14:57Nation

Japan to Ease Restrictions on Investment in Farmland Entities

Japan's agriculture ministry plans to ease restrictions on investment in agricultural corporations legally qualified to own farmland.
   The change would allow food companies and investment funds of regional banks that have dealings with such agricultural entities to own together under two-thirds of the voting rights in the bodies, provided that over a third of the rights are held by farming industry interests.
   Through the move, the ministry hopes to boost the business foundations of agricultural corporations so that more farmland will be secured and utilization of such land will increase, especially in nonurban areas hit by population declines.
   The current rules mandate that agricultural corporations qualified to own farmland be majority-owned by parties related to agriculture in terms of voting rights.
   Under the envisaged change, the required minimum would be reduced to over a third. Meanwhile, farmland corporations would still have to be majority-owned collectively by agriculture-related parties, food companies and regional bank funds.


