2023.12.04 22:17Nation

日大・林理事長、薬物事件で改めて謝罪 4カ月ぶり会見―アメフト部存廃「継続審議」


2023.12.04 22:17Nation

Nihon University Chair Apologizes over Drug Scandal

Nihon University's board of trustees chair Mariko Hayashi apologized on Monday for a drug scandal involving members of the university's American football club.
   "I apologize deeply again for causing great concern and trouble," Hayashi told a press conference. It is the second time for her to hold a press conference over the matter since the first arrest of a club member.
   In August, the member of the renowned American football club was arrested on drug-related allegations after plant fragments that appeared to be marijuana were found at the team's dormitory in Tokyo. Later, two other members were arrested and another was referred to prosecutors without arrest.
   The major private university's handling of the scandal was called into question after it was revealed at the first press conference in August that Vice President Yasuhiro Sawada kept the plant fragments on a temporary basis before the university contacted police.
   In its management improvement plan submitted to the education ministry at the end of November, the university promised to improve its governance.


