2020.02.14 16:36Nation

提出データに一部書き換え 敦賀原発、日本原電が陳謝


2020.02.14 16:36Nation

NRA Grills Japan Atomic Power over Tsuruga Plant Data Modification

The Nuclear Regulation Authority blamed Japan Atomic Power Co. Friday for modifying original geological data for the controversial No. 2 reactor of its Tsuruga nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture.
   The nuclear watchdog is screening the safety of the reactor, which Japan Atomic Power is seeking to restart. An expert panel of the NRA pointed out that an active fault runs underneath the reactor building, while the company has refuted the claim.
   The data in question are geological information obtained through an on-site drilling survey.
   The authority has found that some parts of the data in the original materials were deleted and rewritten without any explanation in documents submitted to the NRA on Feb. 7.
   At Friday's safety screening meeting, the NRA stressed that it was "unthinkable to modify or erase original data."


