2020.02.14 17:04Nation

次の首相、石破氏トップ21% 小泉氏15%、安倍氏10%―時事世論調査


2020.02.14 17:04Nation

Ishiba Seen Most Suitable for Future Prime Minister: Jiji Poll

Shigeru Ishiba, former secretary-general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, was chosen by the largest proportion of the public as the most suitable person to be prime minister after the current term of Shinzo Abe, a Jiji Press poll for February showed Friday.
   Ishiba topped the rankings of possible candidates, with support from 21.6 pct, rising from second place, with 15.8 pct, in October last year, the last time the survey covered the subject.
   He swapped places with Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi, who dropped to second spot with 15.1 pct, down from 18.8 pct.
   Abe remained third, with 10.6 pct, up from 10.3 pct.
   Among other post-Abe candidates, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga ranked fourth, with 6.1 pct, followed by LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Fumio Kishida, with 5.2 pct. Defense Minister Taro Kono ranked seventh, with 4.5 pct, and Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi came eighth, with 1.5 pct.


