2020.02.14 11:17Nation

安倍首相「重症化防止に取り組む」 新型コロナ、国内初の死者で


2020.02.14 11:17Nation

Abe Vows Efforts to Prevent Coronavirus Cases Becoming Severe

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed efforts Friday to prevent patients infected with the new coronavirus from developing severe symptoms, following the first death the previous day of a patient with the virus in Japan.
   "I offer sincere prayers (for the coronavirus victim) and condolences to the bereaved family," Abe told reporters. "We'll make efforts to keep symptoms of infected patients from becoming severe while working to prevent further contagion (in Japan)," he stressed. The victim was a woman in her 80s in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo.
   The prime minister said the government will improve virus tests and treatment for coronavirus patients through cooperation with local authorities.
   In Japan, a spate of coronavirus patients, including the Kanagawa woman, who have no recent histories of traveling to China or apparently have had no contact with those recently in China have been reported. The virus was first reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
   Tohoku University Prof. Hitoshi Oshitani, a virology specialist, said efforts should now be poured into reducing the speed of contagion and treating severely ill patients, as a coronavirus epidemic is likely occurring to some extent in Japan.


