2020.02.13 23:49Nation

新型肺炎、検疫時の隔離可能に 無症状も強制入院対象


2020.02.13 23:49Nation

Japan to Enable Isolation of Infected People during Quarantine

Japan will revise an ordinance to enable the isolation of those infected or suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus during quarantine, the health ministry said Thursday.
   The revision, seen taking effect Friday, will also allow authorities to conduct compulsory hospitalization of infected people with no symptoms.
   The government decided on the revision after a group infection and infected people without symptoms were found on the Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined at Yokohama, near Tokyo.
   Under the revised ordinance, authorities will be able to isolate infected people through hospitalization and make people suspected of being infected stay at designated facilities, during the quarantine procedures before they enter the country.
   As people with no symptoms will be subject to the compulsory hospitalization measure, the government will cover their medical costs.


