2023.10.18 15:28Nation

中国、日本産魚介類の輸入ゼロに 全面禁輸が影響―9月


2023.10.18 15:28Nation

China's Fishery Imports from Japan Fall to Zero in Sept.

China's imports of fishery products from Japan fell to zero in September, a report from Chinese customs authorities showed Wednesday.
   The result came after China imposed a blanket ban on imports of Japanese fishery products Aug. 24, when Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. began releasing treated water including tritium, a radioactive substance, from its meltdown-stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant into the sea.
   The Chinese government started to tighten its import restrictions on Japan around July in protest against its plan to release the treated water from the nuclear plant in northeastern Japan.
   China's imports of Japanese fishery products had gradually declined since then.


