2023.10.12 16:42Nation

解散命令請求「大きな一歩」 被害対策弁護団や宗教2世が声明―旧統一教会


2023.10.12 16:42Nation

Groups Tackling Unification Church Issue Welcome Govt Decision

Organizations tackling the issue of the Unification Church's problematic practices, including the collection of massive donations from followers, welcomed the Japanese culture ministry's decision Thursday to seek a court order to dissolve the controversial religious group.
   "A request for a dissolution order will be a big step toward providing relief for all victims and preventing future damage," a group called Lawyers from Across Japan for the Victims of the Unification Church said in a statement.
   The ministry plans to ask Tokyo District Court as early as Friday to issue a dissolution order against the Unification Church, formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
   The lawyer group praised the Agency for Cultural Affairs for facing the reality of the damage caused by the religious group, by conducting numerous hearings with victims across the country.
   The Unification Church "should take the dissolution order request seriously," the lawyer group added. "We once again strongly urge it to apologize and pay compensation to all victims swiftly."


