2023.10.11 11:18Nation

都市部周辺にスギ伐採重点区域 花粉症対策「パッケージ」を決定―政府


2023.10.11 11:18Nation

Japan to Designate Priority Zones in Fight against Hay Fever

The Japanese government plans to designate areas around big cities as priority zones for intensive measures to tackle hay fever, including cutting down cedar trees, a source of pollen known to cause allergies, as part of a related response package adopted Wednesday.
   In the priority zones, mainly near densely populated areas, to be chosen before the current fiscal year ends in March 2024, the government will cut down cultivated Japanese cedar forests and transplant varieties that produce less pollen.
   The initial intensive response package will be included in the government's economic stimulus measures to be compiled by the end of this month.
   At the day's meeting of related cabinet ministers, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said, "In order to ensure the safety and security of Japanese people, the government intends to vigorously take measures against hay fever in line with the package."
   Prefectural governments will be in charge of designating the priority zones. Roads reserved for use in cutting cedar trees will be constructed. The Forestry Agency plans to decide the designation criteria and other specific steps.


