2020.02.07 18:05Nation

金メダル目標は20個 東京パラ開幕まで200日―日本パラリンピック委員会



 また、日本選手団として初めてロゴを作り、「超えろ、みんなで。」というスローガンもお披露目された。選手を応援、サポートする人たちを含めて「チーム パラリンピック ジャパン」と総称し、大会の雰囲気をさらに盛り上げていく方針も打ち出した。(2020/02/07-18:05)

2020.02.07 18:05Nation

Japan Targets 20 Gold Medals at Tokyo Paralympics

Japan has set a target of winning 20 gold medals in the Tokyo Paralympics this summer, the Japanese Paralympic Committee said Friday, 200 days until the start of the quadrennial event.
   In the previous 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Paralympics, the JPC targeted 10 gold medals for Japanese athletes but ended up failing to win any. It was the first time ever for Japan to win no gold at a Summer Paralympic Games.
   This time, however, the JPC believes that it is possible to achieve the target of 20 golds, based on the performances of potential Japanese Paralympians in recent international competitions, the JPC said.
   "While knowing that we have set a very high target, we think that it's not impossible to reach it," JPC President Junichi Kawai, also leader of the Japanese team at the Tokyo Paralympics, told a press conference.
   Kawai said he hopes that the total number of medals for Japan at the games will exceed the record high of 52, won at the 2004 Athens Paralympics.


