2020.02.06 13:32Nation

帰国第4便、6日夜出発 太平洋3カ国、日本からの入国制限―新型肺炎


2020.02.06 13:32Nation

4th Japanese Evacuation Plane Soon to Leave for China's Hubei

Another Japanese government-chartered plane will leave Thursday night to bring home Japanese nationals remaining in China's Hubei Province amid the new coronavirus outbreak.
   The flight will leave Tokyo International Airport at Haneda at 8 p.m. (11 a.m. GMT), the government said. The plane will return home on Friday morning, also carrying foreign spouses and children of Japanese.
   The previous three charter flights last week brought home a total of 565 Japanese people from the Hubei capital of Wuhan, which is locked down in the wake of the outbreak.
   Meanwhile, at a press conference on Thursday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga mentioned restrictions on entry of travelers from Japan, imposed by three Pacific island countries--Micronesia, Niue and Tuvalu--over the coronavirus spread around the globe.
   "We'll sincerely explain Japan's finely tuned responses (to the outbreak) while respecting the positions of the Pacific island countries, which are vulnerable to infectious diseases," Suga said.


