2020.02.06 10:10Nation

大阪、9年ぶりワースト返上 ひったくり件数、東京下回る―府警


2020.02.06 10:10Nation

Osaka Not Top Bag-Snatching Pref. for 1st Time in 9 Years

The number of bag-snatching cases in Osaka Prefecture recognized by police in 2019 fell by 146 from the previous year to 254, police sources said Thursday.
   As the provisional total for the western Japan prefecture was fewer than the 259 cases recorded in Tokyo, Osaka was not the top bag-snatching prefecture in the country for the first time in nine years, according to the sources at the Osaka prefectural police.
   With the exception of 2010, Osaka had the largest number of snatch-and-grab cases among the country's 47 prefectures every year since 1976.
   After reaching a peak of 10,973 cases in 2000, the number of bag-snatching cases within Osaka started to fall, with the total in 2019 coming to only 2.3 pct of that of the peak year.
   The Osaka police believe that the decline stemmed from the spreading use of security cameras, the arrests of repeated offenders and heightened awareness for crime prevention. Bag-snatching was excluded this year from the prefectural police's list of crimes subject to intensive efforts of crackdowns.


