2023.07.30 14:37Nation

「GUZZILLA」商標無効 建機部品愛称、「ゴジラ」と酷似―混同の恐れ指摘・知財高裁


2023.07.30 14:37Nation

Japan Court Finds "Guzzilla" Trademark Invalid

Intellectual Property High Court has upheld a Japan Patent Office judgement invalidating the trademark registration of "Guzzilla" by a Japanse company due to the similarity to the English name of popular movie monster Godzilla.
   The court in Tokyo backed the petition against the registration by film distributor Toho Co., which holds the Godzilla trademark.
   Taguchi Industrial Co., a maker of construction machinery attachments based in the western city of Okayama, registered the Guzzilla trademark in 2012. It sells Guzzilla series building demolition cutters.
   In 2019, the patent office judged that the registration was invalid. Later, however, Taguchi Industrial made a new Guzzilla trademark registration in a different field, claiming that the term was a combination of words including guzzle, which means eat greedily.
   In 2022, the patent office also judged the registration invalid, saying that the name might attract customers because of Godzilla's strong image of destroying towns and buildings.


