2023.07.26 20:31Nation

デフレ脱却「間違いなく可能」 日銀、緩和見直しを―IMFエコノミストインタビュー


2023.07.26 20:31Nation

INTERVIEW: IMF Economist Says End of Japan's Deflation "Definitely Possible"

International Monetary Fund economist Daniel Leigh said in a recent interview with Jiji Press that he believes it is "definitely possible" for the Japanese economy to finally escape from its years-long struggle against chronic deflation.
   Keeping in mind the risk of inflation accelerating in Japan, Leigh, head of the World Economic Studies division of the IMF's Research Department, called on the Bank of Japan to review its unprecedented massive monetary easing, including by conducting its yield curve control policy more flexibly.
   With Japan's inflation rate moving above 3 pct, Leigh, in the interview held on Tuesday, cautioned that inflation has gone up "more quickly than we expected," citing labor shortages and high-level wage hikes agreed on in this year's "shunto" spring labor-management negotiations as having contributed to higher and broad-based inflation.
   He emphasized, "In that context, we see it as perfectly warranted to prepare monetary policy by providing more flexibility in the yield curve control at the longer end." The inflation rate is expected to converge with the BOJ's 2 pct target by the end of 2024 and remain around the target range thereafter, Leigh said.


