2023.07.14 15:46World eye

金氏、折り畳みスマホ使用か ミサイル発射時の写真に注目

 朝鮮労働党の機関紙、労働新聞が13日に公開した写真には、前日12日に「火星砲18」の発射に立ち会う金氏の前に、サムスン電子の「Galaxy Z Flip」や華為技術(ファーウェイ)の「Pocket S」によく似た銀色の折り畳み式電話端末のような物が、黒の革ケースに入って写っていた。
2023.07.14 15:46World eye

North Korea's Kim pictured with foldable smartphone at ICBM launch

When North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided the launch of his country's newest and most powerful ballistic missile this week, a shiny gadget lay on his table: a foldable smartphone.
Photos released by the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper on Thursday showed what looked like a silver foldable handset in black leather casing, strikingly similar to Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip devices or China's Huawei Pocket S phones.
The photo from Wednesday's launch of the solid-fuel Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) instantly unleashed speculation about where the phone came from.
If the object in the photo is a foldable phone, it is highly likely that it was secretly smuggled to North Korea via China, South Korea's Joongang Ilbo newspaper reported.
North Korea is banned under UN sanctions from importing or exporting electronic devices.
Kim's love for gadgets has been an object of outside curiosity in the past.
He has been pictured using what appeared to be Apple products, including iPads and Macbooks.
Only around 19 percent of the North Korean population are estimated to have access to mobile phones, according to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook.


