2023.04.27 10:08Nation

自転車事故の割合、過去最高 小中高生、4~6月死傷者増―22年調査、ヘルメット着用推進・警察庁


2023.04.27 10:08Nation

Bicycle Accident Rate Hits Record High in Japan

The proportion of bicycle-related accidents among all traffic accidents in Japan hit a record high of 23.3 pct in 2022, National Police Agency data showed Thursday.
   During a campaign for traffic safety, starting May 11, the agency plans to call for cyclists to wear helmets and follow traffic rules as the number of primary, junior high and high school students who get involved in a fatal or injury accident while riding a bicycle tends to grow in April-June.
   The proportion of bicycle accidents in 2022 rose by 3.4 percentage points from 2018.
   Meanwhile, the share of car accidents fell by 2.2 points. The percentage of motorcycle-related accidents edged up by 0.4 point and that of pedestrian-related accidents grew by 1.0 point.
   According to NPA data for 2018-2022, the number of fatal and injury bicycle accidents involving primary, junior high and high school students began to increase in April. The number of such accidents was the highest in June.


