2023.03.22 08:54Nation

統合幕僚長に吉田氏 防大出身以外から初起用―防衛省

 吉田 圭秀氏(よしだ・よしひで)東大卒。86年陸自入り。北部方面総監、陸上総隊司令官などを経て21年3月陸幕長。60歳。東京都出身。
 森下 泰臣氏(もりした・やすのり)防大卒。88年陸自入り。第2師団長、陸幕副長などを経て21年12月東部方面総監。57歳。福岡県出身。
 内倉 浩昭氏(うちくら・ひろあき)防大卒。87年空自入り。防衛装備庁長官官房装備官、空幕副長などを経て20年8月航空総隊司令官。58歳。鹿児島県出身。(2023/03/22-08:54)

2023.03.22 08:54Nation

Yoshida Tapped as Japan's Next Joint Staff Chief

The Japanese government decided Wednesday to appoint Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida as the next chief of staff at the Defense Ministry's Joint Staff.
   The appointment, approved at the day's cabinet meeting, will take effect on March 30. Yoshida, 60, currently the chief of staff of the Ground Self-Defense Force, will succeed retiring Gen. Koji Yamazaki, 62.
   It is the first time that someone who is not a graduate of the National Defense Academy of Japan has been appointed to the post of Joint Staff chief. Yoshida graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo.
   Yoshida joined the GSDF in 1986, and became its chief of staff in March 2021 after serving as the head of the Northern Army and of the Ground Component Command.
   Yamazaki became the sixth Joint Staff chief in April 2019, and was involved in operating SDF-run mass COVID-19 vaccination sites. His retirement had been extended partly for Japan's revisions of three key national security documents late last year.


