2023.02.20 22:35Nation

G7首脳、広島原爆資料館訪問へ サミットに合わせ


2023.02.20 22:35Nation

G-7 Leaders to Visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

Leaders from the Group of Seven major democracies are likely to visit Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Museum during a summit in the western Japan city in May, Japanese government officials said Monday.
   Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who will host the G-7 summit, said at a meeting in Tokyo Monday that the leaders will send out a strong message from Hiroshima.
   Then U.S. President Barack Obama traveled to Hiroshima in May 2016, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to visit the city, which was devastated by a U.S. atomic bomb on Aug. 6, 1945, in the closing days of World War II.
   At the time, Obama visited the museum and laid flowers at the cenotaph for the victims of the bombing.


