2022.12.21 11:58Nation

アナログ規制改革で工程表 1万条項、2年で旧弊一掃―デジタル臨調


2022.12.21 11:58Nation

Japan Govt to Review Nearly 10,000 Items of Analog Regulations

The Japanese government, at a meeting of an ad hoc administrative reform commission on Wednesday, adopted a roadmap to review 9,669 provisions for "analog regulations" that do not fit digital society.
   The government is also set to submit a package of bills to promote digital transformation during next year's ordinary parliamentary session, aiming to intensively advance related efforts in two years through June 2024.
   At the day's commission meeting, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said, "We'll get rid of analog regulations in two years."
   The roadmap includes specific schedules to review analog regulations, such as visual and routine inspections, as well as face-to-face training.
   The package of bills will focus on regulations for which legal revisions are needed, such as those requiring the presentation of written documents and the designation of floppy disks and other storage media.


