2022.11.01 12:11Nation

都のパートナー制度始まる 性的少数カップルに証明書―東京


2022.11.01 12:11Nation

Sexual Minority Partnership System Begins in Tokyo

The Tokyo metropolitan government Tuesday started a partnership declaration system to officially recognize sexual minority couples.
   Such couples will be allowed to apply for public housing after receiving certificates online. The metropolitan government will call for related entities to treat such couples as families on various occasions including hospital visits and applications for rental housing.
   Similar systems have already been introduced in over 200 municipalities in Japan. Tokyo became the 10th prefecture to put the system in place.
   Tokyo's system covers those who commute to companies or schools in the Japanese capital, in addition to its own residents. A total of 166 couples had made applications by Monday morning.
   Soyoka Yamamoto, who represents a civic group that sought the establishment of the system, received a certificate Tuesday.


