2022.10.31 07:12Nation

弾薬、部品不足が深刻化 防衛省、継戦能力に危機感


2022.10.31 07:12Nation

Japan Defense Ministry Worried over Ammunition Shortages

Japan's Defense Ministry has a growing sense of crisis over its shortages of ammunition, including missiles, and aircraft parts, which could affect the country's capabilities to continue fighting in the event of a contingency.
   The ministry has made public its sufficiency rate for ammunition in a rare move to obtain people's understanding for the situation, while seeking a budget increase to resolve the problem.
   "The Self-Defense Forces' ability to continue fighting and the amount of workable SDF equipment are not necessarily sufficient," Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said at a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, on Oct. 6. "It's important to secure sufficient quantities of ammunition and increase the number of workable defense equipment."
   The ministry hopes to include sentences to make sure a budget increase for purchases of ammunition and other equipment in the government's three key national security documents, set to be updated late this year.
   On Oct. 21, the ministry disclosed that it only had about 60 pct of the estimated necessary number of interceptor missiles.


