新興企業投資で税優遇 NY証取で講演、NISA恒久化も―岸田首相
首相は、自身の看板政策「新しい資本主義」を米大リーグの大谷翔平選手の「二刀流」になぞらえ、「成長と持続可能性のtwo wayだ」と表現。具体的な施策として、コーポレートガバナンス(企業統治)改革を加速するため、政府が近く海外投資家から意見を聞くと明らかにした。(2022/09/23-05:05)
Kishida Calls for More Investment in Japan in NYSE Speech
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called for more foreign investment in his country, touting his comprehensive package of policy measures aimed at renewing the growth of the Japanese economy in a speech at the New York Stock Exchange Thursday.
"I have come here today to Wall Street, the center of the global economy, with this message: 'Japan's economy will continue to show strong growth. You can invest in Japan with confidence.'"
Kishida said his "new form of capitalism" economic policy is a "two-way strategy," referring to Japanese-born Major League Baseball star Shohei Ohtani. "Of course, it is not to hit and pitch, but to promote growth and sustainability," he said.
"I firmly believe that the creative energy of the private sector is crucial for prosperity and a strong economy. Growth will only be achieved if we harness this energy," he said.
Kishida said that one very important policy is to "accelerate and further strengthen corporate governance reforms in Japan." The Japanese government will establish a forum in the near future to hear from investors from around the world, he said.