2022.09.16 13:32Nation

「何本指でつまむ?」を証明 千葉工大教授にイグ・ノーベル賞


2022.09.16 13:32Nation

Japan Team Wins Ig Nobel on How Many Fingers Used to Turn Knob

A team led by Gen Matsuzaki, 50, a professor at the Chiba Institute of Technology, has won this year's Ig Nobel Engineering Prize for its findings on how many fingers people use to twist and turn cylindrical objects, such as a knob.
   The award was presented at an online event on Thursday.
   A Japanese researcher received an Ig Nobel Prize, a spoof of the Nobel Prize honoring humorous but creative research, for the 16th straight year.
   When people grab hold of door knobs or other objects to twist them, they usually determine the shape, size and material of the object through their senses of sight and touch to decide unconsciously how many fingers to use in the subsequent turning maneuver.
   Hoping to use this mechanism for product design, Matsuzaki, who is an expert in design studies, conducted research on how the diameter of a cylindrical object affects how many fingers people use to turn the object.


