2022.07.20 15:29Business

トヨタなど6社、バイオ燃料の製造技術研究 生産の効率化策探る


2022.07.20 15:29Business

Toyota, 5 Others Set Up Bioethanol Fuel Research Assn

Toyota Motor Corp. , oil distributor Eneos Corp. and four other Japanese companies said Wednesday that they have established an association for research on technologies to produce bioethanol fuel for automobiles.
   The Research Association of Biomass Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Fuels was set up on July 1, with its headquarters in Okuma, a town in the northeastern prefecture of Fukushima. The town co-hosts Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the site of a triple meltdown that followed a massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011.


