2022.06.24 18:27Nation

国後島の2遺体、DNA一致 ロシア側から連絡―知床沈没事故

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)などは24日、北方領土・国後島で見つかった男女2人の遺体について、DNA型鑑定の結果、乗船者のDNA型と一致したとロシア側から連絡があったことを明らかにした。

2022.06.24 18:27Nation

Russian DNA Tests Show Kunashiri Bodies Likely Sunken Boat Victims

Russian authorities may have identified the two bodies found on Kunashiri Island as those of passengers on a sunken tour boat through DNA profiling, Japanese coast guard officials said Friday.
   The Japan Coast Guard's first regional headquarters said it received word that the DNA types of the corpses of a man and a woman matched those of two passengers of the Kazu I tour boat, which was involved in a fatal accident off the Shiretoko Peninsula in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido on April 23.
   Kunashiri Island is one of the four Moscow-held islands at the center of a territorial dispute between Japan and Russia.
   Japanese authorities will also conduct DNA tests on the bodies once they are handed over from Russia. Tokyo is rushing efforts through diplomatic routes to realize a swift handover.
   The passengers' DNA data were sent to the Russian side on June 9.


