2019.12.20 11:21Nation

第4版予算、300億増収 総額1兆3500億円は維持―東京五輪組織委


2019.12.20 11:21Nation

Tokyo Games Organizers Estimate 30-B.-Yen Revenue Growth

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics organizing committee unveiled Friday its latest budget plan estimating revenue at 630 billion yen, up 30 billion yen from the previous plan released a year ago, due in part to projected growth in ticket sales.
   Expenditures are estimated at 603 billion yen, according to the latest plan.
   Costs to be shouldered by the Tokyo metropolitan government stood at 597 billion yen and those for the Japanese government at 150 billion yen.
   The estimate for overall costs for the 2020 Games was kept unchanged at 1.35 trillion yen.
   The 3-billion-yen cost to set up a temporary venue for walk races was transferred from the Tokyo government to the organizing committee after the races were moved to Sapporo in the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, along with marathon events.


