2019.12.20 13:43Nation

次期戦闘機開発に111億円 防衛費5.3兆円、過去最大―20年度予算案





2019.12.20 13:43Nation

Japan Defense Budget Hits Record High for 6th Straight Year

Japan's defense budget for fiscal 2020 totaled 5,313.3 billion yen, hitting a record high for the sixth straight year, according to the government's draft budget for the year from April that was adopted at a cabinet meeting on Friday.
   The figure is up 1.1 pct from the fiscal 2019 initial budget level.
   The fiscal 2020 defense spending includes 11.1 billion yen in initial designing costs for fighter jets that will succeed the retiring F-2 fighters and 3.1 billion yen for funds to upgrade the Maritime Self-Defense Force's Izumo-class destroyers into de facto aircraft carriers.
   Positioned as the centerpiece of future networked combat operations, the F-2 successor model will have an air-to-air combat capability.
   The initial designing costs for the new jet will include expenses for setting the sizes of its engines and funds for fixing the model's flight range and stealth levels. Combined with other related costs, such as research costs for creating a computer system that will allow Japan to take the initiative in its upgrade process, the total budget related to the F-2 successor jet will come to around 28 billion yen.


