2019.12.17 08:24Nation

日本の男女平等度、121位に後退 先進国最低、政治分野で遅れ


2019.12.17 08:24Nation

Japan Falls to 121st in WEF Gender Equality Rankings

Japan came 121st in the World Economic Forum's global gender equality rankings for 2019, released Tuesday, down from 110th last year.
   The fall mainly reflected lagging improvement of female representation in politics.
   In the overall rankings by the Swiss think tank, Japan stood at the bottom among advanced nations, with the country's gender gap widening from the previous year.
   While over six years have passed since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe introduced a policy of promoting the empowerment of women as part of his government's growth strategy, the latest rankings suggested that the policy has made little progress.
   Among 153 surveyed countries, Iceland topped the gender equality list for the 11th year in a row, followed by Norway, Finland, Sweden and Nicaragua, according to the rankings.


