2022.03.10 20:11Nation

国に13億4000万円賠償命令 普天間飛行場の騒音被害―那覇地裁支部


2022.03.10 20:11Nation

Japan Govt Ordered to Pay Damages for U.S. Base Noise

Naha District Court's Okinawa branch on Thursday ordered the Japanese government to pay about 1,340 million yen in damages for noise pollution from the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air station in Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan.
   In the lawsuit, a group of around 3,200 residents living near the Futenma base claimed that they were suffering from the noise of U.S. military aircraft. They did not demand a flight suspension.
   In a similar lawsuit filed by a different group of local residents, the Supreme Court ordered the government to pay damages while rejecting the plaintiffs' demand for a flight halt.
   Handing down the ruling on Thursday, Presiding Judge Kenta Adachi recognized the noise damage from the U.S. base.
   Following the court decision, the plaintiffs indicated that they are considering filing an appeal.


