2019.12.14 04:08Nation

Xマス料理は家へ持ち帰りで 年越しそば食べる人は9割―時事世論調査




2019.12.14 04:08Nation

60 Pct of Japanese Eat Something Special for Christmas: Poll

A recent Jiji Press survey showed that 57.4 pct of people in Japan eat something special for Christmas and that about half of such people buy take-out food to eat at home.
   The proportion of respondents who said they have a special meal to celebrate Christmas every year came to 33.8 pct, compared with last year's 33.6 pct. Those who said they have such a meal almost every year accounted for 23.6 pct, down from 24.7 pct.
   Of those who eat something special, only 11.5 pct, down from 12.5 pct, said they dine out, and 47.2 pct said they buy cooked food to eat at home or somewhere else, slightly up from 40.9 pct.
   The proportion of those who said they have a home-made meal stood at 39.9 pct, down from 45.8 pct.
   The survey also showed that most people in Japan have special meals traditionally eaten in the country during the year-end and New Year holiday period, such as "toshikoshi" year-crossing soba noodles and "osechi" New Year dishes.


