2022.03.03 21:43Nation

「差別撤廃」宣言胸に決意 水平社創立100年で集会―京都


2022.03.03 21:43Nation

Japan Marks 100 Years of Movement against Discrimination

Japan has marked 100 years since the founding of an antidiscrimination group that sparked a liberation movement for descendants of Japan's feudal outcasts.
   "We must continue to fight until discrimination is eliminated, keeping Japan's first declaration of human rights firmly in our hearts," Shigeyuki Kumisaka, head of the Buraku Liberation League said in a speech at a centennial ceremony in Kyoto on Thursday.
   The National Levelers Association was established on March 3, 1922, with the declaration, "Let there be warmth in human society, let there be light in all human beings."
   "We launched a collective movement for human dignity," Kumisaka, the host of the event, said of the antidiscrimination movement that was the origin of the Buraku Liberation League. "We are proud that the social movement has lasted 100 years."
   Meanwhile, the leader pointed out that discrimination against the descendants of Japan's feudal outcasts has not been eradicated.


