2022.03.03 15:52Nation

上皇ご夫妻、4月に赤坂御用地へ 2年間の仮住まい終える―宮内庁


2022.03.03 15:52Nation

Japan's Emperor Emeritus, Empress Emerita Set to Move in April

Japan's Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko, the parents of current Emperor Naruhito, will move into the former Akasaka Imperial residence in Tokyo's Minato Ward in April, officials of the Imperial Household Agency said Thursday.
   The Emperor Emeritus and the Empress Emerita have been living in the Sento Kari Gosho temporary residence in the same ward after leaving the Imperial Palace in the Japanese capital's Chiyoda Ward in March 2020, after the former Emperor's abdication on April 30, 2019, and the current Emperor's ascension to the throne the following day.
   According to the officials, renovation work at the former Akasaka Imperial residence, including making the area where the couple will be living barrier-free, is set to be completed by the end of this month.
   The Emperor Emeritus and the Empress Emerita lived in the former Akasaka Imperial residence, located within the Akasaka Imperial estate, from 1960, after their marriage in 1959, to 1993, when they moved into the Imperial Palace.
   Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and their daughter, Princess Aiko, had lived in the former Akasaka Imperial residence until September last year. The residence will be renamed the Sento Palace after the Emperor Emeritus and the Empress Emerita move in.


