2019.12.13 16:15Nation

上皇后さま、血混じる嘔吐も ストレス原因か、経過観察―宮内庁

談笑される上皇ご夫妻=10月16日、吹上仙洞御所 応接室(宮内庁提供)

談笑される上皇ご夫妻=10月16日、吹上仙洞御所 応接室(宮内庁提供)


2019.12.13 16:15Nation

Japan's Empress Emerita Michiko Vomited Blood: Agency

Japan's Empress Emerita Michiko has vomited blood multiple times since September, officials of the Imperial Household Agency said Friday.
   The vomiting by the 85-year-old former Empress is thought to be unrelated to her breast cancer surgery in September, but triggered by psychological stress instead, the officials said.
   Her condition has improved recently and she has stopped vomiting as a result of medication treatment, and doctors will keep an eye on her condition for the time being, according to the officials.
   According to the agency, the former Empress has not recovered from a sudden drop in her body weight after spring, and her heart is still experiencing a large amount of stress.
   Her health condition is not expected to affect her plan to move


