2019.12.13 09:01Nation

日本の核廃絶決議案採択 26年連続、今年は軍縮に焦点―国連総会


2019.12.13 09:01Nation

U.N. Adopts Japan-Led Antinuclear Resolution

The U.N. General Assembly voted on Thursday to adopt a Japan-sponsored resolution calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons for the 26th successive year.
   The resolution was backed by 160 U.N. members including Britain and France, but, as in the previous year, was opposed by China, North Korea, Russia and Syria. The United States and 20 others abstained from the vote.
   Through the resolution, Japan aims to add momentum toward next year's Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty review conference.
   This year's resolution seems to focus less on nuclear nonproliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy but more on the contentious issue of nuclear disarmament.
   In the hope of winning wider support, the resolution softened the view on possible humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons use, removing the expression of "deep concern," which was seen in the previous resolution, adopted by a vote of 162 to four. Instead, it said it recognizes such consequences.


