2019.12.13 07:16Nation

日印物品協定、実質合意へ 「準同盟」視野に連携強化―安倍首相がインド訪問


2019.12.13 07:16Nation

Abe, Modi Seen Agreeing on Japan-India Defense Logistics Pact

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, are seen effectively agreeing on a bilateral defense logistics pact when they meet on Monday, informed sources said.
   The bilateral summit will take place in the northeastern Indian city of Guwahati during Abe's trip to the South Asian country from Sunday to Tuesday. The acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, or ACSA, will enable the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the Indian military to share food, ammunition and other goods.
   Abe is aiming to further boost security cooperation and build a "quasi alliance" between the two countries to keep a check on China's rising power in the region, the sources said.
   Last month, Japan and India discussed the proposed ACSA at their first two-plus-two meeting among foreign and defense ministers. The bilateral ACSA would be the sixth for Japan, following those with countries including the United States, Britain and France.
   Japan and India have already been expanding cooperation on security-related activities, such as arranging joint fighter jet drills. Tokyo hopes to bolster the bilateral ties through the envisioned ACSA.


