2021.12.29 15:40Nation

日本が前向き姿勢を 元徴用工問題などで韓国外相


2021.12.29 15:40Nation

S. Korea Urges Japan to Change Attitude on Wartime Labor

South Korea's Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong said Wednesday that he hopes Japan will become more positive and rational in its response to the issue of wartime labor.
   But he added that issues related to history are not easy to resolve.
   Speaking at a press conference, Chung said that Seoul is presenting Tokyo with realistic proposals to resolve the issue while continuing dialogue with victims, amid demands from Japan for the South Korean side to present acceptable solutions.
   The two East Asian countries are at odds over how to resolve the issue of compensation for Koreans requisitioned to work for Japanese companies during World War II.
   On Japan's bid for a gold mine site on the island of Sado in the central Japan prefecture of Niigata to be registered on UNESCO's World Heritage List, the minister noted that in July the World Heritage Committee described as inadequate Japan's explanations about Korean laborers' links to its World Heritage industrial revolution sites.


