2021.07.20 20:54Nation

行方不明のウガンダ選手か 三重県内で発見、身元確認急ぐ―大阪府警


2021.07.20 20:54Nation

Missing Ugandan Olympic Team Member Likely Found in Mie

A man believed to be a member of Uganda's Olympic team who went missing from his pre-Tokyo Games camp was found in the central Japan city of Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture, on Tuesday.
   Weightlifter Julius Ssekitoleko, 20, had disappeared from his accommodation during the training camp in the western Japan city of Izumisano, Osaka Prefecture, according to Izumisano and other sources.
   The Osaka prefectural police are trying to confirm the identity of the man found on Tuesday.
   Ssekitoleko was slated to go home Tuesday because he was disqualified for the Olympics due to a drop in his world rank after his arrival in Japan.
   He was found missing around noon Friday, when an Izumisano official checked his hotel room since he had not taken a novel coronavirus polymerase chain reaction test.


