2021.06.11 11:01Nation

台湾のWHO総会参加を ミャンマー国軍非難―参院決議


2021.06.11 11:01Nation

Japan's Upper House Calls for Taiwan's WHO Observer Status

Japan's House of Councillors passed a resolution on Friday calling on countries to give Taiwan observer status in the World Health Organization's assembly.
   The resolution said that Taiwan was barred from the WHO assembly meetings in 2020 and 2021 due to opposition from China, despite having taken pioneering initiatives against the novel coronavirus soon after its outbreak.
   Taiwan's inability to participate into the WHO's assembly is a global loss in terms of disease control, said the unanimous resolution from the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   A separate resolution passed unanimously by the Upper House denounced the military coup in Myanmar and called on military leaders in the Southeast Asian country to restore the democratic political system swiftly.
   The coup "trampled on the efforts and hopes for democratization, and the current military regime has no legitimacy," the resolution said.


