2021.04.07 19:07Business

JR東・西、20年度鉄道収入半減 コロナで民営化後最悪


2021.04.07 19:07Business

Epidemic Halves FY 2020 Railway Revenue at JR East, JR West

East Japan Railway Co. , or JR East, and West Japan Railway Co. , or JR West, have said their railway business revenue in fiscal 2020, which ended in March, fell by about half from the previous year due to the fallout from the new coronavirus epidemic.
   Revenue fell 46.9 pct at JR East and 51.8 pct at JR West, with both figures marking the largest falls since the two companies and other Japan Railways Group firms were established in April 1987 through the breakup and privatization of the Japanese National Railways.


