2021.03.12 00:01Nation

中国がワクチン提供申し出 バッハ会長「さらなる道しるべ」―東京五輪


2021.03.12 00:01Nation

China Offer to Supply Vaccines for Tokyo Games Athletes

The Chinese Olympic Committee has offered to provide novel coronavirus vaccines to participants at this summer's Tokyo Olympic Games and the Beijing Winter Games in 2022, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach revealed Thursday.
   "The IOC will pay for these additional doses of vaccines, not only for the Olympic, but also for the Paralympic teams," Bach said in an online IOC session. "These initiatives are another milestone in securing the safety" of the Tokyo Games, Bach said, calling the Chinese offer "the Olympic spirit of solidarity."
   The vaccines will be provided through international organizations or directly to countries which have agreements with China on vaccine supplies from the Asian nation, according to Bach.
   In response to the comments by Bach, Toshiro Muto, director-general of the Tokyo Games organizing committee, said in Tokyo, "Vaccinations against the novel coronavirus are being carried out as a government project, so the organizing committee in not in a position to comment." He made the remarks after attending the online IOC session. Muto also said he had not been informed in advance that Bach would mention the Chinese offer at the online session.
   Meanwhile, the IOC chief said at the session that 270 world championships and world cups have taken place since last September and that none of these sporting events turned into a virus spreader. Over 30,000 athletes in these events took a total of 200,000 virus tests.


