東北新社社長の国会招致検討 与党、外資規制違反問題で
Ruling Bloc Seen Agreeing to Summon Tohokushinsha Chief to Diet
Japan's Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling bloc is considering accepting an opposition demand for summoning Tohokushinsha Film Corp. President Shinya Nakajima to the Diet, the country's parliament, as an unsworn witness over the company's breach of foreign ownership rules.
Since a wining and dining scandal involving the Tokyo-based satellite broadcasting company and senior communications ministry officials came to light earlier this year, the ruling coalition has rejected an opposition demand that people related to Tohokushinsha testify before the Diet. But the coalition has changed course because the company was found to have violated rules on foreign ownership under the broadcasting business law.
Nakajima will be asked to attend a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, as an unsworn witness on Monday at the earliest.
On Wednesday, Jun Azumi, parliamentary affairs chief of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, told his LDP counterpart, Hiroshi Moriyama, that Nakajima and Seigo Suga, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's eldest son, who works for Tohokushinsha, should be summoned.
Later in the day, Azumi and Moriyama agreed that unsworn witnesses will be questioned at a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, on Tuesday. Who will be summoned is set to be discussed among senior members of the committee.