2021.03.07 07:13Nation

1兆円超、作業員4000人 数字で見る福島第1原発廃炉作業―東日本大震災10年


2021.03.07 07:13Nation

10 Years On: Fukushima N-Plant Decommissioning Costs Over 1.4 T. Yen

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. had spent 1,443.8 billion yen, or some 13 billion dollars, as of December 2020 on work to decommission its disaster-stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station.
   Total costs for the decommissioning work are estimated at 8 trillion yen, but may rise higher, depending on how much it will cost to remove melted nuclear fuel debris.
   Around 4,000 workers were engaged in the decommissioning project each day over the last year.
   The average monthly radiation exposure level among the workers has dropped to 0.3 millisievert from 21.55 millisieverts soon after the March 11, 2011, accident at the nuclear plant, thanks to decontamination efforts there.
   On March 15, 2011, the heavily damaged No. 1 to No. 3 reactors at the plant are believed to have been emitting 800 trillion becquerels of radioactive materials per hour.


