2021.03.03 19:48Nation

緊急事態宣言、2週間延長へ 菅首相表明、首都圏1都3県―政府

 宣言延長により、1都3県では飲食店に「午後8時まで」の営業時間短縮を要請するなどの感染対策が継続する。観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の全国停止や、全世界からの新規入国停止も続く見通し。(2021/03/03-19:48)

2021.03.03 19:48Nation

Japan to Extend Coronavirus State of Emergency for 2 Weeks

The Japanese government plans to extend the state of emergency over the novel coronavirus epidemic for two weeks, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday.
   "I think that an extension of about two weeks is needed to protect the lives and livelihoods of citizens," Suga told reporters.
   The country's second COVID-19 emergency, which covers Tokyo and the three neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, is currently slated to end on Sunday.
   Suga made the remark as the governors of the four prefectures were preparing to request an extension of the state of emergency due to concerns about the resurgence of infections and the spread of variant strains.
   The central government is expected to make a formal decision on the extension Friday.


