国に感染再拡大の防止要請 ワクチンで財政支援も―全国知事会
飯泉氏は、厚生労働省の山本博司副大臣に対し「人々の意識の緩みや、変異ウイルスの拡大の中で、積極的疫学調査を深掘りしていくことが重要だ」と述べた。西村氏には、行事が多い年度末や年度初めに向け、国民に注意を呼び掛けるメッセージを出すよう要請。観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の段階的な再開なども求めた。(2021/03/02-21:09)

Japan Governors Urge State to Prevent Another Resurgence of Virus
Japanese prefectural governors have urged the central government to boost efforts to prevent another resurgence of the novel coronavirus.
In a videoconference with government officials, including economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, on Tuesday, Kamon Iizumi, head of the National Governors' Association, expressed worries about the possibility of new infection cases increasing again following the recent lifting of the fresh coronavirus state of emergency in six prefectures.
Iizumi, governor of the western prefecture of Tokushima, called on the central government to boost measures to prevent infections from spreading while seeking financial assistance to help reduce local governments' costs related to coronavirus vaccinations.
The central government lifted the state of emergency at the end of February, a week earlier than planned, in the central prefectures of Aichi and Gifu, the western prefectures of Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo, and the southwestern prefecture of Fukuoka. The virus emergency, issued in January, now covers Tokyo and neighboring Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures and is currently slated to last until Sunday.
In the online meeting, Iizumi told Hiroshi Yamamoto, state minister of health, labor and welfare, "It's important to expand epidemiological investigations (to track virus transmission routes) as people may lower the guard and variant strains of the novel coronavirus spread."

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット