2021.03.01 12:15World eye

【こぼれ話】「ワクチン接種に遅刻」88歳が191キロのスピード違反 仏

2021.03.01 12:15World eye

Late for my jab-- 88-year-old caught going 191 km/h in France

An 88-year-old man caught speeding at a breakneck 191 kilometres (119 miles) per hour on a French country road told officers that he was late for his Covid-19 vaccine appointment, police said.
The speed limit on the road where he was picked up on Thursday is 110 kilometres per hour, police in the eastern French Bas-Rhin region said on Facebook.
The driver, a local, gave as a reason for his speeding that he was late for his anti-Covid vaccine, it said.
Officers confiscated the man's driving licence and impounded his car.
For everyone's safety, let's comply with speed limits, even after more than 60 years with a driving licence, the post said.
Since January, France has given residents over 75 priority in its vaccination programme.
The strategy is showing results, Prime Minister Jean Castex said on Thursday, with the rate of new infections among over 80-year-olds falling. It has been rising in other age groups.


