2021.01.07 09:55Nation

母の子宮頸がん、子に移行 羊水に混入、肺がんに―世界初・国立がん研究センター


2021.01.07 09:55Nation

Japan Confirms Mom-to-Baby Transmission of Cervical Cancer

A Japanese team said Thursday it has confirmed cases of pediatric lung cancer resulting from a mother-to-baby transmission of cervical cancer during birth for the first time in the world.
   Two boys were found to have developed lung cancer after swallowing amniotic fluid containing cervical cancer cells in their first cries. The cells mixed into the fluid during the birth.
   An article on the findings was published on the digital edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. The research team included members of the National Cancer Center.
   The team's analysis found that DNA arrangements of cancer cells from the boys and their mothers included the same mutations between the mothers and the sons. Also, cancer cells in the boys did not contain the Y chromosome, usually found in men.
   One of the boys was treated with cancer immunotherapy Opdivo, whose generic name is nivolumab, while the other had his lung cancer surgically removed. Both mothers, however, died after being diagnosed as having cervical cancer at or after the time of birth.


