2024.09.24 06:44Nation

核物質禁止条約、交渉開始で協力 「友好国」会合を初開催―岸田首相


2024.09.24 06:44Nation

Japan, Others Call for Early Start of Fissile Material Ban Talks

Japan and 11 other countries on Monday agreed to work together to launch negotiations immediately on a proposed treaty banning the production of fissile materials, including highly enriched uranium and plutonium, for nuclear weapons.
   A Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty will significantly contribute to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, high-level representatives from the 12 countries, including Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, said in a joint statement after a meeting in New York.
   "A non-discriminatory, multilateral and effectively verifiable treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices would represent a significant practical contribution to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation efforts," the statement said.
   "The participants confirmed that they would work closely together...for the immediate commencement of negotiations on an FMCT," the statement said. The 12 countries included three nuclear powers--the United States, Britain and France.
   Kishida told the meeting that a strong political will is needed to start FMCT negotiations. Creating a momentum for an early start of the negotiations will help to maintain and strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regime, he said.


