2021.01.07 08:34Nation

11月の給与総額、2.2%減 賞与カット響き下げ幅拡大


2021.01.07 08:34Nation

Japan Nov. Wages Log Biggest Drop in 6 Months

Wages in Japan logged the biggest year-on-year drop in six months in November last year as business performance deteriorated at many companies, labor ministry data showed Thursday.
   The November average wage decreased 2.2 pct to 279,095 yen, down for the eighth consecutive month. The size of decline compared with 2.3 pct in May, when a coronavirus state of emergency was in place.
   Some companies slashed bonuses in November, leading to the overall drop, according to the ministry.
   The December average "is likely to be affected significantly by bonuses," an official said, predicting a steep decline.
   In November, special pay including bonuses slumped 22.9 pct, the biggest decline since February 2019.


