2020.12.24 11:41Nation

コロナ特措法、罰則創設に前向き 通常国会に提出方針―菅首相


2020.12.24 11:41Nation

Suga Positive on Penalties to Shorten Biz Hours amid Epidemic

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga expressed his positive stance on Thursday toward introducing penalties for businesses that do not follow authorities' requests to shorten operating hours or close temporarily amid the new coronavirus epidemic.
   A bill to revise the special measures law for tackling the viral crisis, which needs to be enacted to enable the authorities to impose such penalties, "will be submitted to the next session of parliament without hesitation for enactment, if necessary," Suga said, referring to the ordinary session of parliament next year.
   Delivering a speech at a gathering organized by the Research Institute of Japan, a Jiji Press affiliate, Suga also said he believes the revision bill needs to include regulations on shortening business hours, penalties and subsidies for businesses that meet the requests "in a set."
   At the same time, he pointed a cautious view toward imposing penalties among some members of a government panel on coronavirus countermeasures.
   "Facing this national crisis, our economy and society are at a big turning point," Suga said, pledging to work toward containing the crisis at an early date.


